to no avail!
Mom and I searched every store in Pacific Beach and found nothing. We found ONE dress that the lady sold to another customer even though I asked her to put it on hold for me. I'm still upset about it, but I know God will lead me to the perfect dress(es) for my engagement shoot. I know He will! I tried on the dress I really liked online from Anthropologie, but didn't like it so much either. Oh well. The search continues...
I spent the entire night cleaning my closet and room. I literally have donated half my clothes to the Salvation Army. I feel good about it. The old has gone, and the new...will come! More space means more new clothes to fill the old gaps =)
I need to scan and email the contracts for the Event Center and Church tomorrow. I cannot delay any longer!!! I do need to call and ask a few more questions though, so hopefully it will all get taken care of tomorrow.
Today's worship was AWESOME. simply awesome. I cannot state it better than that.
2 more weeks.
then a couple more weeks.
then one more week.
then several more weeks.
then several more months.
then every single day.
i will hold on to this and will persevere till the end. I promise, honey.
off to bed...I know it will be a busy Monday tomorrow! I have work, then off to the Melodies practice at 630.
I miss him terribly, but am looking forward to the end of July!
Good night,
black and white
The Gowan Three

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
OH and the week begins
The sun has finally come out. After a whole week of gray, it was nice to see sunshine while I was at work. I had such a rough morning though. I feel they expect me to be able to fix anything, and I'm just not a technician and can't fix complex NMR problems! I was able to talk to Dr. Dee, who works at Scripps, and he was able to help figure out the problem: contamination in the probe head. Praise God that the machine is up and running again and I can do my job. It's going to be a very busy week for sure. We had a pizza party last Friday. One of my co-workers eloped and decided to throw the company a party so that was pretty fun. The boss wants to throw ANOTHER party this Friday just to celebrate for fun. He said this year has been a good year, with marriages, ENGAGEMENTS, pregnancies, and he wants to just celebrate. So, I'm looking forward to the end of the week for another company party! Wahoo!
I have so many things to say about tonight. We had our Melodies worship practice and it was a time where we all got a chance to talk about what we are feeling and where we want the group to go. It's definitely been a roller coaster and a trying time for many of us. I can just see spiritual warfare at work and I just want to be able to conquer it and stand victoriously. Satan loves dissension and he loves to break up anything good. Our sisterhood is so precious to me and I see where the warfare is and I want to do everything I can to stop it. Please pray. I love my sisters so much and I honestly want to continue to serve in the group. Even though there's a lot of unknowns and a lot of trials and tribulations, there is also joy for me and I want to serve them and serve God as well. We're working on songs for the Women's retreat that will HOPEFULLY take place in the fall. I'm also helping Marion and another man I met tonight, Dave, work on a song for the Creative Praise ministry. They will be performing the song in August. It's a great song and Dave has such a powerful voice, I think it's going to awesome.
Had a great time just talking to my sister after I came back home. She's moving.............!!!! So, I am happy for her. I'll definitely miss her, and I'll definitely miss going through her closet for extra clothes and outfits too. =( But, she'll only be a drive at least I can see her anytime I want. I talked to her about the different paths Caleb and I can take in our future, God willing. We talked about the following:
1. Caleb gets out of the Marines in 3 years
2. We can move to Washington DC and he'll get a Master's in Cryptology, which I think is pretty awesome
3. He can apply and we can work at a US Embassy anywhere in the world...which my sister thinks is so awesome
I was also telling her that I wouldn't mind being pregnant if we do try during his B-Billet. BUT, I'm not going to look too far into the future. I just want to get married to him FIRST and foremost. Oh, 2011, can you please come sooner!!! Caleb, I love you and just want to be your wife so bad! =)
Anyway, I'm not teaching tomorrow. Audrey's in Hawaii! How lucky of her! I'm definitely going to go to Hilltop and I'll call my friend Jack and see if she wants to head over with me!
I have so many things to say about tonight. We had our Melodies worship practice and it was a time where we all got a chance to talk about what we are feeling and where we want the group to go. It's definitely been a roller coaster and a trying time for many of us. I can just see spiritual warfare at work and I just want to be able to conquer it and stand victoriously. Satan loves dissension and he loves to break up anything good. Our sisterhood is so precious to me and I see where the warfare is and I want to do everything I can to stop it. Please pray. I love my sisters so much and I honestly want to continue to serve in the group. Even though there's a lot of unknowns and a lot of trials and tribulations, there is also joy for me and I want to serve them and serve God as well. We're working on songs for the Women's retreat that will HOPEFULLY take place in the fall. I'm also helping Marion and another man I met tonight, Dave, work on a song for the Creative Praise ministry. They will be performing the song in August. It's a great song and Dave has such a powerful voice, I think it's going to awesome.
Had a great time just talking to my sister after I came back home. She's moving.............!!!! So, I am happy for her. I'll definitely miss her, and I'll definitely miss going through her closet for extra clothes and outfits too. =( But, she'll only be a drive at least I can see her anytime I want. I talked to her about the different paths Caleb and I can take in our future, God willing. We talked about the following:
1. Caleb gets out of the Marines in 3 years
2. We can move to Washington DC and he'll get a Master's in Cryptology, which I think is pretty awesome
3. He can apply and we can work at a US Embassy anywhere in the world...which my sister thinks is so awesome
I was also telling her that I wouldn't mind being pregnant if we do try during his B-Billet. BUT, I'm not going to look too far into the future. I just want to get married to him FIRST and foremost. Oh, 2011, can you please come sooner!!! Caleb, I love you and just want to be your wife so bad! =)
Anyway, I'm not teaching tomorrow. Audrey's in Hawaii! How lucky of her! I'm definitely going to go to Hilltop and I'll call my friend Jack and see if she wants to head over with me!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Church, friends, fellowship, and crafts!
I had a long day today. Woke up early for church to practice with the worship band. TOUGH and ROUGH start during the practice and during the first service, but a ton better during the second service. It's all for God anyway, and I am happy to serve in whatever way I can.
After church, I had lunch with my friend Lindsey. Totally fun and great girl whose husband is also in the Marines. We talked about a whole bunch of stuff, and I'm glad that I can talk to someone who understands the feelings and emotions I'm going through as well. She might be moving to North Carolina or to Iowa...I'm definitely going to be happy if she gets to move to North Carolina because I'll have a friend already =) They both want Iowa though, so I'm praying that God will lead them according to His will. She has the cutest little boy named Max that I am so in love with!!! AH!~ He is so cute!
We had the craft class today. Tons of fun. Jackie was a great teacher! I kept on trying to make the crafts but ended up trying to steal her examples and take them inside of mine ;) I think I did a good job though! We made magnet boards, scrapbook pages, and super simple cards. I'm going to give the magnet board to Alison because I know she will love love LOVE it. Here's a couple of pictures:
Close up of the flower magnets I made out of paper! Super cute huh?

Final product! There's four magnets on the board in total =)

I had a great time talking to Caleb today after all the activities. Even though we didn't talk for a long time, we spent a good deal of time praying at the end of our conversation. It always helps when we pray together and put God first in the relationship. I want nothing more than to be able to share my life with him. June 11th, 2011 will be my happy day. I love you so much Caleb.
Okay, it's still early but I am off to bed. I'm just so tired and tomorrow's Monday. Ech. I have the cutest dress that I want to buy for my engagement shoot, but the dress is a whopping 250 dollars. Sigh. I'll just have to find a different dress!
Prayer list:
Caleb's safety while he is deployed
Making wise wedding decisions
Be more understanding to Caleb
Family and friend's marital relationships
Grow closer to God
Good night world,
P.S. I need to remind myself to bring my citizenship form in to work tomorrow! If I don't, i know caleb will be very upset =) Hopefully I remember....;)
After church, I had lunch with my friend Lindsey. Totally fun and great girl whose husband is also in the Marines. We talked about a whole bunch of stuff, and I'm glad that I can talk to someone who understands the feelings and emotions I'm going through as well. She might be moving to North Carolina or to Iowa...I'm definitely going to be happy if she gets to move to North Carolina because I'll have a friend already =) They both want Iowa though, so I'm praying that God will lead them according to His will. She has the cutest little boy named Max that I am so in love with!!! AH!~ He is so cute!
We had the craft class today. Tons of fun. Jackie was a great teacher! I kept on trying to make the crafts but ended up trying to steal her examples and take them inside of mine ;) I think I did a good job though! We made magnet boards, scrapbook pages, and super simple cards. I'm going to give the magnet board to Alison because I know she will love love LOVE it. Here's a couple of pictures:
Close up of the flower magnets I made out of paper! Super cute huh?

Final product! There's four magnets on the board in total =)

I had a great time talking to Caleb today after all the activities. Even though we didn't talk for a long time, we spent a good deal of time praying at the end of our conversation. It always helps when we pray together and put God first in the relationship. I want nothing more than to be able to share my life with him. June 11th, 2011 will be my happy day. I love you so much Caleb.
Okay, it's still early but I am off to bed. I'm just so tired and tomorrow's Monday. Ech. I have the cutest dress that I want to buy for my engagement shoot, but the dress is a whopping 250 dollars. Sigh. I'll just have to find a different dress!
Prayer list:
Caleb's safety while he is deployed
Making wise wedding decisions
Be more understanding to Caleb
Family and friend's marital relationships
Grow closer to God
Good night world,
P.S. I need to remind myself to bring my citizenship form in to work tomorrow! If I don't, i know caleb will be very upset =) Hopefully I remember....;)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
And our journey continues...
AH. It's been awhile. AGAIN. I haven't blogged in so long! I can't believe I'm too busy with life to sit down and write for 10 minutes each day. It's just ridiculous. I need to try harder because I love looking back and reading all of my past journal entries! It sure is fun to see how life has changed so much!
Let's do a quick recap of events:
- We have finally, FINALLY, made our decision on where we will have our reception! PRAISE the LORD! It sure was one heck of a ride ;) SO many places and venues to choose from, too many that didn't make the cut, and hard decisions that needed to be made! We were so close to choosing Tom Ham's Lighthouse but, we both decided that it would be too small. It was so hard to turn that place down because the view was just breathtaking! However, we can definitely use that place to have our breakfast the day after the wedding =)
- WE HAVE SET A DATE!!!!! June 11th, 2011. God is Good. He really is. Caleb has made it to the VMU. Such a slim chance of him making it in that unit, but with God, all things are possible. This means he'll be deploying in the fall, and we'll have our wedding when he comes back. Definitely going to be a hard and difficult time for me, so please keep me in prayer...and him too! I just want to be married to him already! He is definitely the man of my dreams. =)
- I bought my dress! It's beautiful and I can't wait to wear it. It's custom made so it'll be arriving in December. I honestly cannot remember how exactly it looks like, so I am very eager to see it again in my size!
- I visited Caleb for Memorial Day weekend in North next home state =) Some points to mention: Mosquitos, flying cockroaches, crazy humidity, awesome church friends, fun time strolling downtown and seeing all the bear statues, crazy humidity, lots of homemade dinners from my wonderful fiance, my first promotion's ceremony, a nice and relaxing fight (haha), a romantic picnic by the lake made possible by my loving prince charming. All in all, a great visit, except for our itty bitty quarrel! =) I love my man so much, I would rather fight with him all the time (he is super duper patient with me while we are fighting) than be in love with anyone else!
- Caleb visited me for July 4th weekend! We met with the Meurer's and booked them as our wedding photographer. Met with our caterer and cannot WAIT to see how beautiful they will make our wedding! Um...went to a lot of venues, went downtown to shoot some pool, had a great fourth of july with friends, and all in all, just really enjoyed our time together. Tried a new restaurant in little Italy (Bencottos), enjoyed ourselves at PB, especially the sushi lunch date...yum!
- Now I am waiting for next month. I'll be seeing him in August for his family reunion and I can't wait!
Anyway, that's all I can afford to write tonight. My brain is way too tired to cohesively string together any more sentences. I had a great day with my friend Jack. We exercised at Hilltop Park (3 miles!), cooked a great lunch (caesar salad, trader joe's salsa and chip, pesto tortellini and organic tomato basil sauce, and lots of chocolate for dessert), packed the kits for her class she's teaching tomorrow, went to Michaels, shopped and got yelled at by the salesperson because I didn't know I couldn't take pictures in the dressing room, ate some dairy queen, shopped for rings at Jared's which was SUPER fun! and finally stopped to get some Boba. such a great day with a great person!
I have to wake up early tomorrow for church, so I'll be heading to bed NOW. I will promise to journal more often, even if I'm just writing down a sentence!
Nancy Fancy
Let's do a quick recap of events:
- We have finally, FINALLY, made our decision on where we will have our reception! PRAISE the LORD! It sure was one heck of a ride ;) SO many places and venues to choose from, too many that didn't make the cut, and hard decisions that needed to be made! We were so close to choosing Tom Ham's Lighthouse but, we both decided that it would be too small. It was so hard to turn that place down because the view was just breathtaking! However, we can definitely use that place to have our breakfast the day after the wedding =)
- WE HAVE SET A DATE!!!!! June 11th, 2011. God is Good. He really is. Caleb has made it to the VMU. Such a slim chance of him making it in that unit, but with God, all things are possible. This means he'll be deploying in the fall, and we'll have our wedding when he comes back. Definitely going to be a hard and difficult time for me, so please keep me in prayer...and him too! I just want to be married to him already! He is definitely the man of my dreams. =)
- I bought my dress! It's beautiful and I can't wait to wear it. It's custom made so it'll be arriving in December. I honestly cannot remember how exactly it looks like, so I am very eager to see it again in my size!
- I visited Caleb for Memorial Day weekend in North next home state =) Some points to mention: Mosquitos, flying cockroaches, crazy humidity, awesome church friends, fun time strolling downtown and seeing all the bear statues, crazy humidity, lots of homemade dinners from my wonderful fiance, my first promotion's ceremony, a nice and relaxing fight (haha), a romantic picnic by the lake made possible by my loving prince charming. All in all, a great visit, except for our itty bitty quarrel! =) I love my man so much, I would rather fight with him all the time (he is super duper patient with me while we are fighting) than be in love with anyone else!
- Caleb visited me for July 4th weekend! We met with the Meurer's and booked them as our wedding photographer. Met with our caterer and cannot WAIT to see how beautiful they will make our wedding! Um...went to a lot of venues, went downtown to shoot some pool, had a great fourth of july with friends, and all in all, just really enjoyed our time together. Tried a new restaurant in little Italy (Bencottos), enjoyed ourselves at PB, especially the sushi lunch date...yum!
- Now I am waiting for next month. I'll be seeing him in August for his family reunion and I can't wait!
Anyway, that's all I can afford to write tonight. My brain is way too tired to cohesively string together any more sentences. I had a great day with my friend Jack. We exercised at Hilltop Park (3 miles!), cooked a great lunch (caesar salad, trader joe's salsa and chip, pesto tortellini and organic tomato basil sauce, and lots of chocolate for dessert), packed the kits for her class she's teaching tomorrow, went to Michaels, shopped and got yelled at by the salesperson because I didn't know I couldn't take pictures in the dressing room, ate some dairy queen, shopped for rings at Jared's which was SUPER fun! and finally stopped to get some Boba. such a great day with a great person!
I have to wake up early tomorrow for church, so I'll be heading to bed NOW. I will promise to journal more often, even if I'm just writing down a sentence!
Nancy Fancy
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