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The Gowan Three

The Gowan Three

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Que Sera, Sera. Whatever will be, will be.

How many obstacles can a relationship go through?!

I feel like Caleb and I have experienced (and are still experiencing) so many tests and trials throughout our ENTIRE relationship, and especially within these last couple months. From my parents to my sister, from the long distance Point Loma to Mira Mesa relationship to the long distance East Coast/West Coast relationship we are in now, from the hectic TBS days to the busy MOS days now, from our/my trust issues to unforgivable weather issues, from being stationed at Cherry Point NC to the uncertainities about his's endless. JUST endless!!!!!

My original trip to visit Caleb was February 11th. Now, it might be March 4th. Can you believe that?!!! I'm in this anxious waiting period right now to see whether or not my flight tomorrow will be cancelled. I found out last night by looking at and the weather channel that my flight might be cancelled due to weather conditions...again. There's another big storm that will hit the Northeast tomorrow. I wasn't feeling too happy yesterday for some reason (probably trying not to get too excited for my trip in case something like THIS happened), and when I found out that my flight might be cancelled, I lost it. I started CRYING...uncontrollably and tried to sleep off my disappointment to no avail. I couldn't stop crying so I called Caleb and asked him to stay on the phone with me while I tried to sleep. Poor Caleb...I woke him around around 2am his time and he had to wake up at 0513...even though he was a little out of it, he was still able to be super sweet to me while I was bawling my eyes out.

Anyway, I feel better today. He called me this morning and we were able to talk for a good 20 minutes while I was finishing my breakfast and driving to work. He reminded me that everything is in God's hands, and that the worst that can happen is that I will see him next week. So, I am not mad at God anymore...I was last night. But today, no matter what happens, I am happy that I have a wonderful man who I can call my boyfriend and best friend. I have been checking the status of Southwest and the weather channel ALL morning and I haven't received a call YET. We'll see...I'll continue to check the status throughout the day. I just PRAY that my trip doesn't get cancelled while I'm at the airport tomorrow. That would just suck. I'd rather know now than later, and if I had to ask God for anything, it would be just that. I wouldn't want my sister to have to wake up super early only to call her back to pick me up at the airport again, so God, please let me know soon!!! =)

Anyway, I have learned and I've just decided to stop planning. I'm just going to sit back and try not to take the reigns on future events anymore. It'll liberate me! anyway...i'm off to lunch in a couple of minutes. If anything changes, I'll be sure to post!

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